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#1 Podcast Intro + transitioning from Corporate 9-5 to doing life my way

Episode Summary & Links

To kick off this podcast, we're gonna dive into what this podcast will be about and how it came to be:

  • my transition leaving my corporate job and starting my own business

  • what motivated this podcast and my deeper intentions for it

  • topics we'll be covering on the podcast in the future

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Episode Transcript

Emily: Hello, my beautiful friends. Welcome to the first episode of this podcast. I'm super excited and super grateful to be here and I'm super grateful for you listening to this. And and yeah, so. First episode is just gonna give a lay of the land what we're gonna talk about. So it's gonna be quite a short one, and I just wanted to share kind of the style of conversations that we're gonna have here.

I definitely don't want it to be like, it's not gonna be like polished or, or kind of investigative. Interview style. No, I really want it to be kind of like you are sitting here on the couch or wherever we are having, just joining in on this conversation that either I have with myself or that I have with a, a guest on this podcast.

And there will be quite a few. So there will be, yeah, exactly. A mix of subtle episodes and Episodes with really cool, inspiring inspiring humans that I just meet upon my travels who have fascinating stories that are worth sharing. So, so yeah. And so a bit about me, for those of you who don't know me, I'm.

I'm currently a web designer. I used to, I started out in the world of freelance photography and that's how I started my freelancing journey. So I started off in photography kind of merged over to, to blogging, so travel blogging, and then I created my own website, had so much fun creating my own website.

Had a few family friends ask me if I could create websites for them, and I was like, oh. , this, this could be a thing. You know, I really, I really like designing websites for people. And so the more I kind of researched into it, the more I was like, huh, I think this is my thing. And so when the lockdown happened in 2020, I kind of just like went all out, super obsessive for about a year and a half to, to build my business in my web design business.

And and I am really thankful that it worked out. and I invested so much in myself, like I invested in a lot of online courses. I invested in like Masterminds, listened to so many podcasts. And just really put in so much like invest a lot of time and energy into growing my mindset and also surrounding myself with people who are already there or who, who have grown successful businesses.

And and I've just learned so much in these past. Two years, I would say. And I currently am living in Portugal, like my dream location. There's everything I could ever want. I'm living in Portugal. I'm so happy. I have this life of freedom that I've always wanted. I originally, we'll dive into my kind of lengthier version of my story on another episode, but I'm, I grew up in New Zealand.

and that's for many people, that's like a dream place to be and it is really beautiful. But being an island I always felt really isolated and traveling to anywhere else around the world was really hard and I just really longed to, to travel with ease and to work. And I didn't understand why it had to be work or, or not.

like you couldn't travel and work at the same time. And I didn't quite understand like why you couldn't have the best of both worlds and and so yeah, I was actually, so I kind of was in the corporate world for, I had two good stints in the corporate world, nine to five and I left that in 2016 I think it was, to basically to do nothing to, to travel the world to explore my options.

I left the safety of a corporate job for the promise of nothing but. a wild adventure and lots of stories to tell and lots of failures, but also lots of lessons. It's been a challenging one at that, and I've moved countries a lot. I've lived in so many different places, and. and yeah. And so just through this kind of this craziness of the last six years of my life, I'm finally at a place where, , I feel like I have the, the, the knowledge, I suppose and wisdom to also pass on to people in their early twenties, or people in their twenties who have just come out of university or , or maybe in their first couple of years in corporate, but they feel like, oh, this isn't really for me, or people who are just working.

Working at a full-time job, but they know that they want to be somewhere else, do something else, start their own business or something. And so I want this podcast really, you know, the reason why I wanted to start this podcast and what motivated me to. Start this was to to share stories and to show you how possible this life of, of locational freedom is for you too.

And there's a saying that's like, you know, we are what we consume and that includes the stories that we listen to, which influences our subc. Massively influences our subconscious. Like everything you've ever been told at school, from your parents, from your teachers, from movies, all of that influences your subconscious and your belief of like what's possible for you and what's not.

And so I want to share these stories of people who are living their best life with the freedom they desire. And I want you to see their success from a, if they can do. . So can I perspective and I wanna be clear, you know, this podcast is not about ditching your current job or having to like start your own business or drastically flipping your life upside down and like relocating to some exotic location just in order to have that freedom.

Because what I've learned is everybody has a defin, has a different definition of what freedom means. And if, you know, complete, complete freedom is in a way, chaos actually. So having structure, having a direction that is also freedom. And I, my metaphor for this is freedom is like the ocean. If you don't know which way you're going, you're never gonna go anywhere.

You're just lost in that massive sea of possibilities that you could go here and there and anywhere. And so it's so important to have a direction and to define for yourself like what is success for you, what is freedom for you? And And yeah. So this podcast is for those daring dreamers and wild souls who aspire to have a life of freedom and adventure on their terms.

So on your terms and you get to decide what that looks like for you. That could be spending three months here or a year or however long, it's all up to you. And there are, I think that's, One of the reasons why I wanted to interview so many people on this podcast as well, because everybody has a different story and maybe one might resonate with you more than the other.

And, and yeah, just some of them might really so deeply resonate with you or so deeply mirror your own life that you can think, ah, you know, if they can do it. Like Absolutely. So can I Instead from you know, instead from that, that kind of toxic perspective of like, oh, they're special and I'm not, or they were just lucky or they had rich parents, or, you know, they went to some private university and therefore X, y, z.

Like, that is, that is such a toxic victimized perspective because I really, I. Just what we tell ourselves and how we see other people's successes. It is a reflection of. What we believe is possible for us as well. So, so yeah, basically I believe if you can dream it, you can make it a reality and I believe in you 100%.

So this podcast. Is really here to inspire you, but also to challenge you, to expand your imagination on what's possible. If you have the right community, the right mindset, the right resources to, to break free of those social norms and to live a life that free, that feels like free and wild and, and like deeply aligned for you.

And and yeah. What else? In terms of like, What we're gonna be talking about content-wise, I would actually love to hear your feedback on this and what you would love to hear. So there'll be like a, a question form box on, on the podcast page where you can submit your questions or you can send me a dm.

Because I, this is a new podcast. I've never done a podcast before. . So I kind of have all these different topics that I'm passionate about and that I'd love to talk and share, but I wanna make sure that it's really valuable for you too, and that you actually care about these as much as I do. And so.

To give you the base category of, of the buckets of, of what we're, I'm looking to cover. So there're gonna be stories and conversations with inspiring guests. We are going to be talking about our experiences living and working abroad. So either as an entrepreneur or as a solo freelancer or just working remotely as part of like a, a bigger team.

. So anything that's to do with living and working abroad. Lessons and mistakes from freelancing and running your own business. Advice on work-life balance. Conscious traveling and slow traveling, as well as cultivating like a successful mindset because I truly feel like the, perhaps the biggest the biggest contributor to, to perhaps my success and the success of most of the people I know who live a life that, that I'm inspired by, they all attribute that to their mindset.

And and so, yeah, like it's not some fluffy thing. , you can just change your mindset overnight. It, it's like, it's like, , I, my metaphor for this is kind of like you've got a garden. Your mind is like a garden, and you have. . You know, if you've got positive, you've got healthy growth mindset, then it will be filled with booming flowers.

But if you neglect it and you allow those negative weeds to set in that kind of take away the lie, take away the nutrients from, from the actual flowers that are meant to be blooming, then, then you kind of have a garden that's not. Healthy, that's kind of wilting. And so to have a successful mindset, it's really important to pick out those weeds, to reflect regularly and and to, yeah, continue reflecting, continue pulling out those weeds so that your, your mind.

Can flourish so that you, your life can flourish. And that also overfill, overflows to the people around you as well. It really affects your energy and and how other people interact with you and just the opportunities that come your way. Like, I don't know if you believe in manifesting, but I, I truly do, and I.

Every time when my mindset and my energy, my intentions are aligned, ugh, like life can flow so easily and things just just flow, they come to me. Like opportunities just come to me and it's, it's wonderful. And so, yeah. A big component of this podcast that I'd love to touch on is, is definitely mindset as well.

And And yeah, I would say that is probably a fair enough introduction to this for this first episode. So I would love to hear your story, like where you are at and what's the biggest challenge you face when it comes to creating a life of vocational and financial freedom for you. Thank you so much for tuning into today's effort.

Episode, I'm so grateful for your time and I would love to hear what you found most insightful or resonated with the most from today's conversation. You can send me a personal DM over on Instagram at Emily Peilan, that's E M I L Y. P E I L A N. And please also share this episode with any family or friends looking to create this freedom lifestyle.

And lastly, if you're craving a wild creative adventure with a bunch of rad, soulful humans, you can find out more on our retreats page here at That's all for today, my friends.

Arohanui and Ciao x