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#4 Why I chose to move and settle in Lisbon, Portugal after years of being Nomadic

Episode Summary & Links

Why are so many digital nomads and entrepreneurs moving to Portugal?? Or more specifically to LISBON?? Is the expat lifestyle here really "worth the hype"?

In this episode, I go deeper into why I left Germany and Spain ... and the REAL reasons why I (and many other nomads) moved to Portugal and ended up staying. 

Honestly, Portugal surprised me in so many ways and I'm so excited to get to share my experience with you and

  • what it's like to LIVE here (city vs nature)

  • balancing work, life and social

  • being a part of an inspiring, global community 

  • my journal entry the day Portugal become home 

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Episode Transcript

Emily: Hello and welcome back to another episode. I'm really excited to share this one, especially because I've gotten so many questions from people like asking me. , do you live in Portugal now? Like, are you, are you really going to stay there? And how long are you planning to stay there for? And why did you move to Portugal and all the things.

And so hopefully in this episode I can share a bit more behind the scenes of, of what life is really like here why I really decided to move to Portugal and why, what, what makes me want to stay here and, and settle here. So, yeah, let's get into it. So let me just give you a visual picture of what life looks like for me right now.

I am currently living in studio, so it's in the Lisbon area. And Lisbon, I'm about 25, 35 minutes away from Lisbon City itself. And it's like if you go all the way left, like the, the very end of that coastline I am situated very close to that. So like, KSH guys is the last kind of city, little city you could say on that coast, on that edge.

And then I'm just like 10 minutes from Ksh guys. And so yeah, between Lisbon, KSH guys area and scene with all the beaches up, up the top there, I'm kind of like perfectly situated in the middle between the, the bustle hustle and bustle and, and wonderful cafes of Lisbon. But also the beautiful nature, like all the trees and, and amazing beaches of centra.

So I really feel quite fortunate and both these places are about half an hour. Away from me. And yeah, so I would say where I am, it's quite quiet. Is more happening there. But for me personally, I chose to live out here because and the, the, the chaos of being in a city, of being in a big city it overwhelms me.

There's just too much like stimuli all the, all the time. And and so I definitely wanted, wanted a place that was a bit more like Frankie Low and a bit more local as well. So that's, that's where I am. It's a little mental image of, of what my area looks like. Yeah. And what else? I've got a beautiful co-working space, actually, I've kind of got two at the moment.

One is like nw and the other I found yesterday and it's over in Kashkai, so it's a bit more of a track, but so incredible. And I walked in yesterday just to check it out and. and these beautiful ladies, they, they were doing, they were running a flower workshop and they just so warmly invited me into their circle and was like, oh, we have an extra space.

You know, if you want, you are more than welcome to join us. We're making like a flower mandala and, and all these, there's basically like intuitive art, you know. and we got to go really deep and I just enjoyed, you know, touching fresh flowers and, and creating something from, from the heart, from the soul, and and just connecting with beautiful humans.

They're all just. angels. And I feel like that's probably one of my favorite things about being here is that no matter where you go you always, people here always make you feel so welcome. And it's not like, oh, who's the strange person who just walked in the door? She's not one of us . It's always like, ah, you know, come join us.

And especially because I think there is such a big expat community here. People are just so, so much more, I don't know, welcoming or also mindful to, to include other people maybe because they've been in that position where they perhaps haven't felt so included in the past. But, but yeah. So that's.

Yeah, that was a really beautiful, sorry, a side story from, from yesterday. I just feel so grateful that there are so many wonderful humans around here. And and the day before that I think, or was it Friday, I met up with the founders of the team of Lisbon, digital Nomads who run like weekly.

Events and meetups in Lisbon for digital nomads. And we did a brand sprint, so kind of like brand strategy tuning in session, you could call it. It was like five hours long or something. And we met up at a really cool spot. And I like hopped off my plane from severe. I just landed in Lisbon and went straight there, met them, and they were just like the most inspiring people, the most.

They do everything, like everything is volunteer, run and they don't take a cent. They don't even have a donations page yet. And I think. Seeing people, hearing their stories and, and watching them just give so selflessly with so much heart and soul. I think that was just so inspiring for me. And and yeah, also it just sparked even more motivation for me to, to continue doing this podcast, to like really give it.

You know, give it my all because it's something that I think a lot of people will hopefully find really valuable and and yeah. . So I think you can already tell that one of the biggest things that I love about Lisbon area and just being here and, and and what makes me ultimately want to stay here is the people.

I feel such a strong sense of belonging amongst all the Nome souls here and and the locals. So kind like despite, not like I don't speak Portuguese, I understand a little bit written, I understand a little bit from having, you know, from speaking Spanish. But yeah, like obviously I'm not around here.

Obviously I'm not Portuguese. And yet I am always met with such kindness from the locals and it really warms my heart. Like people just smile at you on the streets and say, . and you just feel like, oh, like it just brightens up your day. Honestly, the people here are just gold. I love them. And and yeah, and just all the, all the nomadic digital nomads around here.

A lot of people, like, I feel like digital nomads doesn't quite encapsulate. All the expats and, and international people who live here because there are many people who moved here from other parts of Europe, from other parts of Asia, from a lot of people from Latin America Russia, Ukraine. I know so many Russian Ukrainian people here.

And and they're not necessarily like digital nomad, like they can't just take their work ev wherever they want to go, but they like, you know, either work in hospitality or they work in restaurants or you know, so there are a lot of experts around here, much more than digital nomads. But I think there is definitely a huge growing population of digital nomas in.

The Lisbon area and something else I just love about the people here. They're, they're also international for one. And I love how when people ask me, you know, where, where are you from? It's never like trying to categorize you, but it's more like a, what's your story? You know, like where, where. Home for you.

And often, you know, I'll, I'll answer with a long one a mix of places and say something like, you know, I was born Singapore but I was grew up in New Zealand all my life and I've been living the last six ish years. In between Germany and Spain, but also I lived in Norway and I lived in Sweden and I lived in Austria and, and people often just smile and they're like, yeah, I've got a similar story.

You know, maybe there were. I dunno. Born in, born in Bali, grew up in India and have German parents or something like that. And I just feel so, like, seen , I feel so not categorized. And it's, yeah, just really beautiful to, to Feel like I'm not the odd one out in that sense and that there are so many people like me and we've all somehow found our place or just kind of, we've all sort of felt like we belong here.

With, with this group of, of expats, of international people, of digital nomads, whatever you want to call them. Digital nomads or slow MADDs is a new term. I've, I've picked up recently, which I love. So seasoned, slow MADDs, you get a lot of them here as well. And yeah, so this is really lovely.

Something that I wanted to share as well. I think especially with Covid, like, I don't know, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure during Covid times they kind of brought out a a D seven Visa scheme or something that made it, that accelerated the work visa permit process for a lot of people. And and I kind of found out about it towards the end of.

last year slash start of this year, I was actually planning on moving to Italy, to Florence and studying interior design. But I think during that time, like the regulations initially were really strict and and I was looking into like, oh, you know, the freelance visas or self-employed visas initially and also in Spain.

They're just both like really complicated. They're not quite. Favorable. They're not just, yeah, they don't make it easier. , I feel like they don't want us. But yeah. And then I looked up Portugal and, and I don't know why I hadn't thought of Portugal earlier, but the more I looked into it, the more I was like, oh, this is perfect.

And, and and Lisman just sounded like the perfect place because there is already such a big population of digital nomads and and the visa process sounded pretty easy, pretty straightforward. I mean, to give you a timeline, I applied for it in March. I had my interview sometime in May, and I got the what was it?

May. No, I had my interview in April maybe, and then I went back to collect my visa in May. And so now I basically, it's just a matter of waiting until my final appointment in September and then I will finally get my residence permit for two years, and then after two years I can renew that for three years, and then at the end of the three years that, that fifth year, I think I have to do, like, you know, if you do decide to do a Portuguese, a one or a two level test you can then apply for like permanent residency or I think citizenship as well.

Providing. They don't change the rules on that anytime soon. But yeah, so basically after six years five, six years, I would be eligible to become a Portuguese citizen, like to be an EU citizen. And that was something that I like, never thought would, would. , I don't know, achievable in, in say, less than 10 years.

And so I would be lying if I didn't say that was a huge, huge reason why I decided to come to Portugal. I have like, to me, Europe is home and I would do anything to stay here long term permanently, forever. And I, at some point I also Yeah, I was just researching between like I've, trust me when I say I've done my research, all the countries in Europe and Portugal seem to be the most attractive one and the lowest kind of barrier to entry, let's just say.

And so on the tangible side, I would say that is kind of what kind of first attracted me to it. But then as I got here, you know, like I said, I came here on a, on a bit of a whim and, and I said to myself, Hey, let's try it for two months. You know, if we don't like it, we can always go somewhere else.

We can always go back to Spain or to Italy, but some. Who knows, maybe we love it, you know, . And I'm so glad I took that leap of faith because when I left severe, I was really sad. I really didn't wanna leave. I had like a little family there. And I just loved all my friends. I loved my lifestyle, I loved everything that I had there.

, but something was like nudging me to like, let's, let's go. We, you need to go to Portugal. And I couldn't shake off that feeling and so, and so I went and and I'm so glad I did because honestly, Just like everything I love is here. Like the ocean surfing, beautiful cobbled streets with colorful houses and tired facades, cozy cafes, co-working spaces, kindest humans with the most interesting life stories.

Delicious food. Mostly sunny days with fresh ocean trees and chill summer Mediterranean vibes. It's like, ugh. Honestly. What more could I ask for? Speaking of digital nomads and co-working spaces, if that's a world that sparks curiosity and excitement in you, then listen up. I have a few resources that will definitely come in handy.

So we're gonna take a short break here so I can share a little tip with. If you are starting a business or going freelance, then having an elevated brand and website is going to help you stand out so much so that you can book more clients, attract more customers, and ultimately achieve so much more of the success and the freedom that you desire.

This podcast episode is proudly sponsored by Aha Visuals. Yes, I did just sponsor my own podcast, but hear me out. If your dream is to create a life of locational freedom, then having an impressive brand and website is the biggest asset you could invest in. I've helped multiple clients double their income through strategic and efficient design, and I would love to help you.

If you've got no idea where to even begin, then I've got a free website and SEO checklist. To get you started, just head over to aha That's A R O H A V I S U A L, and just tell me where to send it. Okay, friends, let's get back to the episode. I suppose something that's really interesting for me to note as well is how similar this Lisbon area, this Lisbon Sintra area is to Dunedin which was my home, which is where I grew up.

If you don't know where Dunedin is, it's like on the east coast of New Zealand's, south Island, and We also have like a peninsula there. We have so many long sandy beaches perfect for surfing. We've got loads of cliffs and hills and and yeah, it just reminds me a lot Of home in a way, but like home, away from home.

And yeah, I don't know. Perhaps that has an effect on us, you know, where we grew up and, and where we feel most at home. So, so yeah, just something to note. The only difference is that here you have a much more of a Mediterranean flare. You hear a lot of different languages, a lot more love. Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and, and of course English as well.

But like everybody's speaking different languages all the time and I'm so like, oh, I am so at home in that as well, which is interesting for me to know. Yeah. And. Wow. Like I don't think I've ever gushed so much about a place. I think Lisbon is my new love. And and I thought, I remember there's actually a the, the, the exact day, the exact sunset.

I was out at pariah the PO here, down by the beach in studio. and I was there for sunset. And I remember that exact moment when it hit me and I had to write it down where I was like, oh, this is, this is home. Like we, we found it. And so I actually wanted to read out a little passage for you, like straight from the journal.

So give me a sec. I'm just gonna go find that and and read a little passage out to you.

So Tuesday, 17th of May, 2022 titled We Found Our Home. Today is a day that will stay my memory forever. In many ways, it determined the fate of the rest of my life, possibly. Two incredible things happened today. One, I bought my first scooter. Won't motor scooter ever. She's such a beauty. I called her Mara, and I know this sounds silly, but we have a connection.

The way she came into my life was pure cosmic. Two, as I'm sitting here breathing in fresh, salty, wild sea breezes, mesmerized by the surfers riding the soft pastel street waves. I am hit with a message from the universe, a whisper, more like a feeling that felt so visceral. It moved me to tears up with relief and joy.

We are home. Set the voice. We are finally home. And it's perfect. I wouldn't have it any other way.

speaking, writing Spanish,

basically like, like I'm just completely in love with my new home. The, the beaches are marvelous and this place just has everything that I eat. that I desire. It's it's magical. to me, this place is the perfect combination of contradictions. It's both soft and comfy, yet wild and adventurous. There is city life and hustle and bustle of Lisbon, yet also quiet magic, stillness of nature.

There's so much history and tradition, and yet, The country as a whole feels modern and progressive to me compared to other Mediterranean countries. There's a richness in architecture and a richness in wealth here too, but balanced modestly with the collective humbleness and modesty of the Portuguese people.

I feel like I get to be all sides of myself that I love and and thrive in. I have a co-working space or too now where I get to work hard and an enormous playground of beaches and forests to play and adventuring when I'm off work and my free time. I feel so beautifully balanced here. Even the people, there's young people, digital nomads, families, people from walks of life.

I considered staying home for sunset today, but the ocean backed me to go visit her so she could finally tell me this beautiful little secret that we found home. Also, I feel like I should say that this feeling has actually never been felt before. I've come close to it in Sevi, in eca, in Florence and Vienna, nor, and of course in Germany with Nico.

But as I look back, each of the places lacked something I deeply yearned for, and yet they all had something that was so painful to lose when I finally. , but in many ways in a bittersweet way. I'm so glad we left because we finally found our paradise in this magical corner of the world. I know that close friendships and relationships definitely take time to build, but I have absolute trust and faith that I will get to meet and cherish so many beautiful souls here.

We are here for the long run. Ems. We can finally stop running all this time. We were running towards here.

And just adding to that journal entry, like every time I leave. Now recently I've, I've been going to Germany and, and severe, and every time I leave I feel such a, a missing when I'm gone and such a sigh of relief when I come back and I see the ocean, I'm like flying over the ocean. I'm like, Yes, we're home.

And and yeah, I just feel so beyond grateful to call this paradise home. Truly like my heart just explodes with love. Every time I hop on my scooter and ride along the stunning blue coastline, I'm like always smiling, and every time I discover new hidden gems that just leave me in awe every time.

Walked past our pool, the pool of our condominium, and opened the door to my room and watched the sunset. Cast like golden rays and muted shadows upon my lemon sheets and, and my flowy curtains. The slight breeze just tickling the leaves and my baby plants like just moving to Portugal. This. This whole chapter has been the, a post, out, post burnout therapy I never knew I needed, but gosh, it's been the most assault, nourishing place I've ever had the privilege of living in.

And yeah, just forever grateful that life and all the heartbreaking decisions I've had to make. Finally brought me here. . So I hoped you enjoyed this raw behind the Instagram scene of how I really feel about Portugal what my life kind of looks like here, and just the, the, the deeper reasons of, of why I really.

Moved here and Wyatt decided to, to settle here. And if you find yourself in the Libon area, definitely hit me up on my dms. I'd be more than happy to share some of my favorite places in cafes with you. There are so many digital nomads moving here. I'd be curious to hear from you if that kind of life, digital nomad life interest.

You and if so, or where in the world would you choose to live and work from if you had complete freedom to choose and why? Shoot me a little voice message or written message over, over on at Emily Palin and let's keep the conversation going. Until next time, my friends vessels tell.

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I'm so grateful for your time, and I would love to hear what you found most insightful or resonated with the most from today's conversation. You can send me a personal DM over on Instagram at Emily Peilan. That's E M I L Y P E I L A N, and please also share this episode with any family or friends looking to create this freedom lifestyle.

And lastly, if you're craving a wild creative adventure with a bunch of rad, soulful humans, you can find out more on our retreats page here at That's all for today, my friends!

Arohanui and Ciao x