#9 How To Make Quantum Leaps in Life and Business Growth (Part 2 with Briony from Untapped)
Episode Summary & Links
Part 2 of 2.
On today's episode, we have a fellow kiwi, Briony from Untapped. Briony is an incredible human and inspiring entrepreneur, life and business coach for ambitious women.
Her company, Untapped is focused on holistic personal growth and supporting people in pillars of an Untapped life. In this episode, we dive more into this idea of Quantum leaping and how growth doesn’t have to be linear and how YOU can tap into that exponential growth.
The power of surrounding yourself with the right people and finding the right mentors to help you grow and evolve. We also explore the importance of having more women enter the entrepreneurial space and WHY that is.
This episode is for anyone feeling stagnant in their growth, or perhaps feeling lonely and searching for the right community and mentors to thrive in.
Or perhaps you're looking to try something new, to pivot in your life, but you think it's too late or that it's not possible for you. This episode will open up SO many new doors for you!
You can find Briony here: https://www.instagram.com/untappednz/
Dive into their resources & trainings here: https://www.untapped.nz/the-portal
Let's continue the conversation over at:
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Episode Transcript
Emily Peilan: Hello, my beautiful friends and welcome back to the Free Wild Souls Podcast. This is part two of our effort conversation with Briony from Untapped. If you haven't heard the first episode yet, I'd highly recommend you check that out. First, we talk about how she went from being a lawyer to a coach and how she navigated that transition phase.
We also dive into like mindset, wealth, energetics, transitioning from solopreneur to scaling your business, building a team and what it takes to break through that level of stagnation and reach that next level of growth. So, so many gem bonds on the episode, check it out. But in this episode of part two, we dive more into this idea of quantum leaping and how.
Doesn't have to be linear and how you can tap into that exponential growth as well. We also talk about the importance and the power of surrounding yourself with the right people and finding the right mentors to help you grow and evolve. And as with every conversation I have with Briony, she blows my mind with her wisdom, and I so deeply appreciate.
All the golden nuggets she's sharing in this episode. Take what resonates for you right now and maybe lay down the track. You might come back and re-listen to this episode and get another massive download. So without further ado, let's dive into part two of this guest episode with Briony from Untapped.
So one of the other things that massive takeaway from our conversations with you and Delaney as well is this idea of like quantum growth. And I think so many people think. Like growth is linear. We all kind of know it's not, it's like a strange kind of line, but when it comes to business, it's kind of like, okay, this year I'm making this much.
Next year I can make 10% more or 20, and it's always like, linear. And then the next year I'll make this much more, or yeah, in any areas of growth. And this idea of like quantum growth doesn't, well, didn't really even occur to me, to a lot of people. Cause it's doesn't make sense. Like we work linearly, right?
And so, and so it's kind of like this, this graph, what, what do they call Parabola or something like that, whatever you call it. It's like you are underneath this, this line, and then once you hit a certain point, your growth becomes like so exponential. And it's like at what point? , do you start experiencing that exponential growth?
What kind of like catalyzes it almost?
Briony: Yeah. I think you're right, so our brains process, our brains are super linear. Like they really cannot fathom that in this moment. Something could be completely distinct from the next moment. It's always thinking it's gonna take x, y, and. And we see that in across so many industries, across business, across finance, it's like, oh, you know, you're safer this long, and then it compounds in over 30 years.
Like, it, it, we are taught that in many, many forms. And the, the concept of quantum is that actually almost in any moment, depending on what groundwork you've done, as you said, is, or referring to. That quantum is available, but on an energetics perspective. So this gets quite like very metaphysical, but like we are not available to those changes.
Emily Peilan: So what happens is because of the linear thinking, we're not in rece, we're not in a a place to like receive it.
Briony: Yeah, right. Couldn't even, and in fact, you'll be rappel. Because it's so far from what you've created in your mind and your energetics. It's like if this year, if last year we were a hundred thousand dollars business, and next year you think you're gonna be 250,000, that's linear, right?
We, I think we did at one point, it was like 300,000 to like 1.2 million, which you could say is quantum massive maybe. And also in some realms, I've played in with people that's like baby stuff, you know? They're like, they're like quantum, like 400 s and so, right, right. , it's, but when you are playing so linear, what actually happens is like, you are literally not available.
So your thinking isn't even in the realm. You'll be repelling opportunities. You literally will not have. You have a part of your brain called your reticular activating system that picks up particular things that feel relevant to you. . , it's just like, the way it works, you would've heard it probably before, but you are thinking about buying a master and you've never seen.
At this particular master before and suddenly you see that master everywhere. Yeah. So it's called your RAs, your R RAs. It picks up anything that it feels is relevant to you based on your filters. So if you in your mind, have decided you're a $250,000 company for a year, I'm just gonna use business in example, you're gonna hang out with people that size your offerings cannot exceed debt.
Like you'll literally make sure you'll hit that. You won't look for any ways to scale. , you'll just find a way to say it that little cause of that linear thinking.
Emily Peilan: So then for you to, when you made that like your first massive leap, did you expect that, had you kind of in set the intention for that and then was like, okay, this year is gonna be a million dollar revenue year and then work backwards from that.
But like how can you project a number that is like,
Briony: Yeah, so far. Yeah. So the other critical thing with that is like ba basically it's a game. Like everything's made up and like, I don't even like goals, like goal setting. Like you look up, tap stuff, no, don't even talk about goals, talk about games. Cause I'm like, everything's, it's all fucking made up.
Like everything's made up. It's all a game. So, We don't really have like goals. I have like, I love like reverse, called reverse engineering's the technique where you take something so conceptually up here and reverse engineer it to even Fanm. But yeah, when we did that particular one, what actually happened for me is I was also working with a coach and I had this belief that if we go to a million this year that all my problems are gonna like amplify.
It's gonna be harder. I'm gonna manage more people terribly. I'm gonna, it's gonna. Everything's just gonna amplify. I'm gonna work more. It's gonna, I'm gonna have more problems. And so I had this unconscious fear of like, I don't want, I want that, but I don't want more of that. And so what he did with me was a really cool exercise we love doing is he anchored me up again.
Like, he was like, what about, let me just take you to 10 million just for a moment. Just feel in your body. Just imagine it. And that was so beautiful because where that took me to, made actually 1 million cent. It. I love that. Yeah, it really did. Yeah. Like he was like, what problems would you have at 10? And I was like, far out.
Okay, you're at scale. I probably don't have much to do in the company anymore. Like I, I could dream up all the problems I would have because the other thing, a distinction we talk about is like, . We are problem obsessed. We love, we love a problem, like we are problem obsessed. We just always have to have a problem.
And if we don't, we'll create something. So choose better problems. . . So if you think at X I'm gonna experience this type of problem, you get to choose your problem basically.
Emily Peilan: So. Oh, I love that.
Briony: Yeah. So it's like, yeah, at 10 million, this could be your problem. At a hundred million you're still gonna have problems.
Yeah. These kind of problems at 10, these kind of problems at one, these kind of problems, I can tell you. I can almost roadmap, you know, obviously not to, not to a hundred million in those things cause we haven't done that. But at six figures you'll have this at 500 K Earth, this at a million, you'll have this and you can almost roadmap the problems.
And so you get to actually decide when you are quantum leaping or you're choosing to go to a whole new reality that's made up, what kind of problems do you wanna have at that point?
Emily Peilan: So it's like, so this idea of like setting the intention, like who, what. Say, if you wanna make seven figures, a seven figure business
owner do
be who are you, what are the decisions that you make?
What are the problems that you have up there? And engineering that backwards. Like you can't just accidentally quantum leave.
Briony: Not usually. Yeah. So it's kind of getting, and the whole part with the, the actual quantum, like the term comes from the quantum realm. . . So in, in quantum physics. So the concept is that there's infinite fields available to us in any moment.
Yeah. So on a quantum. That in this gets into like, you know, multiverses and all sorts of wild stuff, but basically that in this moment I could be a coach or I could be ex a lawyer, or I could be an artist or whatever. There is literally infinite possibilities. But because the linear part of our brain, we don't think like that.
We're literally like, oh no, it's gonna take me in. Oh, we have to train as an artist and then I can. But actually in the quantum realm, like when you genuinely play in the quantum, it's available to. You can be a million dollar company owner. Now, you may not have it in the physical form yet, but if you start being that and you start thinking that way, you literally will like all of that will start coming to you and all your thinking changes, all your action change.
Of course, your reality changes. It's in it to the art again. So the quantum is the identity of who you have to relate to yourself has to come first? Yeah. Not the thing, like the actual decision of in this moment, in this possibility, I'm creating myself to. A million dollar or a seven figure web designer or whatever it is, like you have to create that first, feel that energy of that.
Yeah. And then, and then start thinking what kind of problems would they have? Who would they be every day? What kind of stuff would they do? Yeah. Because a person in a six figure company does various different stuff to a seven figure. Their company. Yeah. Like they, they do like, and so you, you have to start operating in that reality.
And then of course you can start getting into the reverse engineering. But most people don't think, and this is a huge thing we do in visioning, like everyone makes their visions, right, their life visions. Yeah. And they go, in 10 years I'm gonna have this. In 20 years I'm gonna have this. And I would say 90% of what's on their list is available now.
That's so crazy.
Emily Peilan: Yeah. But I don't, but I know I'm guilty of doing this as well. I'm like, okay, if I have this now and it took me five years to build this or however long, then that means in 10 years then I can have this. And it, it's, that's so fascinating. But okay. To add to that, I feel like you are influenced, your way of thinking is influenced by the people around you.
So everybody's thinking linearly. You're like, that's just the only reality, the only option. And so it's only through hanging. Of people like you, other entrepreneurs who are like big thinkers, big possible list, and big dreamer, then big creators that I'm like, oh, there are other ways of thinking of, of growing as well.
And so, one of the things like through this podcast as well is just sharing stories of people, having mentors, having guides, like for you as well. Like if your, if your business coach didn't anchor you up to the 10 million. You know,
Briony: I'd probably still be fluffing around on 200,000, making more problems and finding really bad managers and doing with, you know, being a really bad manager.
Like that's a hundred percent.
Emily Peilan: Yeah. So it's like so important to have people who push you, who also show you that it can be done because it's like if, especially if you are, I don't know, wanting to get into this or you want to achieve that, but nobody around you, you've never seen, say a female. Achieve that, then you think that's not
available for you.
Briony: A hundred percent. And we went out for a lunch the other day and one of my girlfriends like, I think I'm thinking about becoming an artist, like a musician. I was like, amazing. Totally see it done. She's now an artist, not even drinking. Next person sits down as a producer, dj and music producer and producers and I beat and stuff.
Another incredible woman, female founder. She's like, oh yeah, I know he me. Moved. Done House of Medicine music. Yeah. Perfect. Reality created in less than a minute. Now most people will be like, that's 10 years of my career. Career. You know, it took me this long to become a coach. It's gonna take me another 10 to become an artist, and I'm done.
Done. I love it. You're now an artist. Now we do everything to move towards what about an artist does be creates, but a hundred percent is being around because when we actually sent our financial. They literally thought we were money, money laundering in Mexico. They're like, this is a, an extremely abnormal amount of income into my annual year.
like, no company grows at 500 something percent or whatever it was, you know. And we're like, well, that's our financials. Yeah. . It's all legit. It's, you know, to most people that's just like, correct. No. Yeah. So yes, you need to be around people that don't question that. That's possible.
Emily Peilan: Yeah. That a hundred percent.
All of that ability, or for you to Phillip, for example, your friend who's just like, Hey, I'm thinking about doing this or, and then having people in your life who are like, I believe in you. Like, I think you can do it. And I think that was the biggest thing for me when I was starting my business. I don't know if I can actually make this a full-time thing, if I can really make this work.
And this is like, as I was starting,
A mastermind, I was like, oh, do I invest in myself as a tank program? And I was like, oh, very like nervous. And and I remember, this is Mel by the way, and, and I think this is the first time anyone had said to. It like very intentionally, like I believe in you.
Like I believe you can like hit your goals. These are your goals. Wildly excessive. Like from what I was currently doing. And she was like, yeah, I believe in you. And I was like, I didn't even say that to myself. And everybody I told around me, they're like, good luck. Like . Yeah. You know, you'll probably come back to a corporate job or.
Nobody really had that belief in me. It's like a feeling more than a, more than a Oh yeah. Give it a try. You know, you might make it, it's a very like . Yeah. And so that was like the energy mostly around me. And then being a part of this mastermind with all these like empowered females, like entrepreneurs, solopreneurs.
You want to start a podcast? Go start a podcast. You want to do this? You go, you want to do six figures like you can and like we were all there. Like you can do it.
Briony: Yeah. And that made all the difference. I can't even, like we talk about one of the things we say is that your certainty, like in a moment, their certainty.
So the power of having a coach or in a alone community, either or a mentor, their certainty in that moment will drown out. Yeah, that's like the whole, that's, that's the energetics that's actually happening in that moment is you are basically borrowing their certainty. Someone who perhaps has done it or has integrated in it, and you're basically borrowing that belief system just for a moment in time while you are getting your feet on the ground and you're building your own, you're basically borrowing it because you have no evidence as to why you can do there.
And your brain's like absolutely. Ah, nothing in the filing cabinet. It's like, scoot a little, look, if we've done this, you know, we've never done this. Warning alarm burst off. You know, it's got no evidence. So you're basically borrowing that certainty until you build your own semantic body that feels like, yeah, I can do that.
That's how exactly how it felt. Yeah. Yeah. And that's like, and that's a beautiful exchange of who we can be for each other. Yeah. And a community as you created is like, that's who they are. Like in every moment that you question yourself or you don't know, they're just like done. Yeah. And you get to then pay that forward or pay.
To them, to anybody as well. Well, imagine how many people you can now support who, who are making that leap on the podcast. Everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get people like, oh, I want to do this. I have, have an idea.
Emily Peilan: And I'm like, yeah, why not? You can make this happen. But then sometimes they doubt themselves.
They're like, oh, I don't actually know if this could work. And I'm like fully there like no, I can help map it up. This can absolutely happen, but it then takes them also believing in themselves and yeah, it does.
Briony: It does. And we use, in our programs, we leverage quite a lot of accountability. So that structure of like they do have to have the internal drive and the commitment and like putting in place accountability, especially in those moments while you like really want to like run and hide and.
Freak out and what have I done? You know, the four A wake ups and like, oh my gosh, what have I done? Like, why have I done this? Why did I post that thing on? So whatever you have initially. No. I found out about my podcast.
Emily Peilan: I was like, what did I just do? ?
Briony: I remember doing a live hunt and was like, I didn't need to take that live down.
But my girlfriend, you know, my girlfriend rang me, a really good friend who's in our training program. Like, so it's 11:00 AM and I'm on Facebook, like, what's happening? And I'm like, I'm coming. Like, and it was, it was. First time I publicly actually spoke about my eating journey with my eating disorder and all of that path for me.
And I ended up blubbering and crying for like 40 minutes on a video on Facebook. It's probably still on there, but Oh. But it was great. You know, I wouldn't be, and it was like the biggest responses because so
Emily Peilan: many, and it was so real
Briony: and so like, oh yeah, truthful and, but I would've never done that.
Shouldn't follow up . I just would've
I'm still that from the calendar, like, you know, like, but she rang me and that's. It's the power of community that want to hold you accountable for who you say you are. Your word, your commitment, and that structure. It's not being told what to do or chased up or anything.
It's like really having someone who's like, Hey, when you were empowered, you did give your word and create that. You wanted this. Like, do you still want it? Yeah. You know, and there's something we like, even absolute want, give a look tag on Slack. You know, just remember we still doing this. You're like, oh yeah, ok, I'm going.
And people have done incredible things. I love that from that place. So it really, it really is like ensuring that you are investing in or creating a community that, that support you.
Emily Peilan: Because otherwise it can be, I, I mean, I feel like the first couple years it can be quite a lonely life doing it online and then also feeling like I don't know.
Especially if you're not around like a community, like in Lisbon and people kind of have normal jobs, traditional jobs, you're kind of like, where do you source this kind of. Inspiration from, well, there's accountability, right? So like one of the biggest things for me was like female seeing females and entrepreneurs and having supportive females in the space was like everything.
And I don't know why I used to think I to do it alone. And
I also entered
business. I don't know if you were the same, but like enter this world of business thinking that I had to be more. A male, like taking on a masculine role of like, I don't know, being, I don't know, sell, like I hated marketing cause I thought I had to be.
The masculine version of like salesy super, like, oh, just so icky and, and like dominating and, and all these things that just I didn't like. And I think I, I shied away from a lot of marketing and a lot of growth perhaps in the initial, like first year because I was like, I thought I had to do it in a masculine way.
And one of the most beautiful things is like seeing females and also having mentors who do it in their own a. Feminine expression way, just however that is softer. It's more authentic. It's, yeah. And then having that permission slip, like you can be successful, be yourself and do it
Briony: in your way. . ,
Emily Peilan: and you are one of those people, for me, actually, it's, it's so inspiring.
I love it. And, and so yeah, like I feel like there's been a massive
in the world of business and general entrepreneurship and not. For females, but also men kind of, balancing that out with a bit of feminine energy. But still, I see a lot of friend, I, I have some friends who are like interested in this world who I think would be amazing.
You know, at whatever, whatever business they want to create so much impact. They're so like passionate people, but they shy away from this like marketing aspect, from like business aspect. But I. But you can just be you. You don't have to change. Right. And so I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on like, people who have so much to give could actually be incredible entrepreneurs or incredible impact leaders, but they shy away from that.
It's like, how can we get more of these incredible humans into this world that we need more of?
Briony: No, it is, it is huge. And there is, I agree. Like there are updates and. And that element of people really looking at how we have been doing business and how we have been leading, you know, there's so much masculine energy, which is the more direction, logical, sharp, angular kind of frequency.
There's so much of that in the world and it's, it's great. It affords things, it moves things. It's fantastic for a certain element, but it's not everything. And we do a lot around integrated leadership, which is, yeah, bringing that softening and bringing the intuition and like relationship building is the backbone.
A lot of businesses and really if you think marketing or sales, there is heart centered ways to do both of those things. Yeah. Like I'm sure anyone listening, I'm sure you are so grateful that you found something or that you know, Emily posted this podcast on her Instagram so that you could get this wisdom.
I'm sure you are grateful that she did that. So there's something that you have been marketed, whether you know it or not, that you. Thank goodness this found me in my life. Your favorite product, a training. You've been to a coach your life. I don't know, but thinking like, like really getting like that is what marketing is.
It's like sharing that message is sharing what that is, and you can do that in such a value centered way, like where you're just adding value and the law of reciprocity from the universal law says, you know, law of compensation, the more you give you shall. So if you are someone who gives, and you are heart-centered, like give everything in your market, screw whatever.
Like learn some formulas if you want. Read some books if you want, and then also throw it all to the side if it doesn't feel true to you. We always talk about like try it on, put it on like a big coat and knock Shortline doesn't look good. Doesn't my vibe. Doesn't my vibe. I'm gonna rock this. Okay, not my vibe Taking that off.
Try it on. See, and that's how you'll find, find your own authentic way. Complete reframes on what business really is like. Business is such an incredible vehicle for change. It's such a spiritual journey. Like what? Like what? You get to heal within yourself to create what you're creating. Marketing can be so value centered and sales, like, I know it can be slimy, and I know people have, you know, there's been a huge reputation of sales, but it can also be the most heart centered.
Sacred conversation. Like for me, sales conversations are like so sacred. It is literally someone communicating who they wanna be in the world and what they wanna create and what's gonna holding them back. It couldn't be anything more precious. Like it's, it's not closing a sale, it's opening a freaking relationship.
Emily Peilan: Like I love that. It's just so, and it feels sales or it feels icky. It's like sales and marketing because it's misaligned with your values, I think. And if there are ways you. Of realign the way you market, the way you sell to your values, then you are really marketing from a place of like deep service rather than like, I don't know, than trying to get someone to do something that you think they don't actually
Briony: I don't know. You know? And cause people do perceive it as manipulative. Yes. And the reality is like the consciousness of a lot of marketing sales has. Manipulative and learning terms, like handling objections, like I hate that. Stuff like that. That's a sales term that we got taught in a training we did years ago, and I was like, handling them.
It's so like, ugh. And I was like, actually you're validated. Like someone has objections, I'd love to have conversation. Like, or you know, they're like, it's too expensive. Oh my gosh, yes. Let's talk about that. Yeah. You know, they're like, ah, say this and then say that. And then it's like, no, it's, we're gonna have a conversation like, you're a robot
It's like, it's never so, Like you learn some of these things and just turn in what true feels true. And what you said is like framing in a way that aligns for your values. Yeah. And for me, like coming from like sales actually is service. If you love what you have and what you can gift, it really is of service.
If it's truly a line for them. Yeah. It's like the greatest gift ever. And if it's not, like let it go. And I think the, the non-attachment energy. Minimum non-attachment. The concept of like not being
attached to getting a sale
or having the targets or, that's all quite masculine business. Ah-huh. . The feminine frequency that I think makes it feel safer and a little bit more collaborative is just like we are not attached.
It's a discovery and we're a little bit more open to just Yeah. For mines and, and bringing a bit more of that.
Emily Peilan: Yeah. And what, another thing that came to mind is also teams as well, I feel like. Female led teams really value everybody feeling, I don't know, seen, heard. You talk about personal life and you give people the space to like talk about, I don't know, this new idea or this objection or whatever.
Whereas I feel like traditionally a mass, very masculine, hierarchical team culture, it's kind of like you show your power by like dominating over this other person, speaking over them.
I don't know, just like
almost like toxic emotional culture is kind of how it feels and, but now it's been a huge shift, especially with startups.
I've been talking to so many people who work in startups. It's like, oh, I found this great team culture. And they're usually run by like led by like young-ish people, you know, who really value that. And I think it's so beautiful the shift in business. . Yeah. And like all aspects of business, it's, it's so cool.
Briony: Yeah. Yeah. It's really, it is a change. And I think, and what you said is, I don't even think we know how differently we do it because it's come so natural to us, but our team chickens like, how are you and how are you really? That's like, oh, I love that. So just for people have a space like, yeah, I'm good. We give us great.
Okay. Actually I'm battling and we can just get done to real conversation and then we can know how we can support each other. And yeah, often I know behind the scenes everyone's making sure that everyone else is okay and no one would ever like call someone out. Like it's all just very like, I got you.
Like you need this, I got you. Or I did this for you. Like, don't even want, like, just constantly for the mission. And it is, it's a really different frequency. Yeah, I think the days of, oh, I would hope to say the days of competition are like over, but I think, yeah, I mean they're still happening. Calls.
Emily Peilan: Yeah, for sure. The collaboration. Like just, yeah, I feel like also from a place of like being a so printer and thinking you have to do everything yourself and then like reaching out and like being collaborative as well is also I think that's also a very female feminine energy of like collaborating and like, let's do this together and we all benefit like as a community.
Whereas I think traditionally it's kind of like, no, I want to take all of this for myself as my.
Briony: We, yeah, a hundred percent. And we've had some really authentic conversations in our programs and community before because a lot of, like primarily the community's always been women supporting women in business and in all journeys.
And we have a wing channel and it just goes nonstop. It's like bought a house, I don't know, love myself. Finally, like whatever just goes nonstop. This, this untapped kind of wins channel and. There sometimes. Initially when people got into this work, there was some really authentic conversations, which I love authenticity.
I just love getting radically responsible about what's up so that you can then look at it and there was a few people that were so brave enough to be like, Hey, like I actually really struggled to celebrate other people's wins cause I'm going like, brings up a lot in me.
Emily Peilan: Yeah, I had someone recently say that to me as
well and it's, it's beautiful.
Cause I was like, thank you for acknowledging that. Cause that is like human nature and that is just that. Weird scarcity that's embedded in us and psyche and stuff from masculinity that we get to like heal. Yeah. And so it lead to this beautiful conversation of like, yeah, let's like look at that. And it was just from fear.
It was just from scarcity. And, you know, someone was even authentic enough to be like, I, I don't actually want my friends to know about this community because I, I wanna have this community, you know, .
Briony: And I was like, I love it. I understand it, you know, it's kinda like your little, it's like a little thing.
It makes me successful, but no one else needs to know how I became. I was like, I get it. So the more we can like, be so honest about our human nature . and be kind to ourselves when we maybe don't feel that or we feel. Oh shit. They had a huge win and I'm, I'm actually struggling to celebrate it. It's like that humanness is so important as well, so that we can all be authentic cheerleaders.
Yes. You know, and when you get used to celebrating others' wins, it's like the best feeling in the world when you can move through that scarcity, because one of, from a quantum. Physics perspective, when you celebrate someone else's win authentically, yeah. You get into the frequency of it, which then means it's basically immediately available to you because you are literally in the energy of that win.
Like if you can get over there and be like, bar out, that's awesome. Yeah. It's available to you. But if you're like, that's awesome. But yeah, totally. It's hard judging money. Like you can't, you can't access it that,
Emily Peilan: I love that we've gone down this route because , I had a conversation with someone recently, a friend who.
Like she was a little bit, not judgmental, but kind of like that energy of like not happy, well like it's like happy for you, but like not a little bit envious. It's like how come other people can get well so easily? How come other people can be so successful easily? And here I am struggling. It's like, I want that, but I'm like slightly annoyed, so I'm gonna like, Bring them down to, I don't know.
She just kind of was like, it was very honest actually, the way she said it. And I really like, we, we dove into that a little bit as well. And it's like, I used to be in that mindset. I was like, they must just have like a lot of money. They must have rich parents. They must have had extra help. And finding all these excuses why, like it was possible for them, but not me.
And now it's. When
Briony: I see
Emily Peilan: or hear people's stories, it's like, that's amazing. Like if they can do it like so can I and say they can do it, so can you as well. Like nothing's really stopping you. And another thing that I notice is females have a lot of trouble talking about money. Like we
Briony: get really like, oh my gosh.
Yeah. So sad. Even, even.
Emily Peilan: Like us, even though it's like, how much do you pay for rent? It's kinda like side stepping around. I wonder if you wanna tell me though, and I was like, we need to have like this open conversation about money. Yes. It's like, why are we like hush hush about it? And, and like I'm pretty open about it and I think if especially women are more open about it, then we can, and when somebody tells you and they're like at a higher level than where you currently are, it's like, can you see that as like, oh, if they can do it, so can.
Instead of feeling like, oh, how come they're there and I'm not, and I've been in this longer than they have. Like, it's just that complete different shift in mindset and you see it.
Briony: I've seen it a lot even in our growth in our journey and within myself is if you put yourself internally, like, I can't have that.
They've got that. You are having that whole conversation in your head basically. Like that's all just happening in your head, you know, whatever. In our boring mind, that makes up a lot of stuff and. . When you can get over in that person's world and be like that, Emily, that is incredible. That is far up. How did you do it?
You are suddenly connected to them and you, in your curiosity, you can get an access to that one like that. But if you are in here judging, shaming wronging, making excuses like you're never gonna learn either because you, you, when you, when you are operating that way, you don't give yourself permission to.
Ask because you do a fake, weird celebratory thing where you say something rude with a jugging or what we call it, like a little stab, you know, like, I don't know, people do weird stuff. Yeah. But if you can be like far out, that's cool. Yeah. I want that. You know? And you can be authentic in that and not feel inadequate that you don't have it.
. , because your whole perfect, complete, amazing as you are. Yeah. But you can be like, wow, that's cool. Like I actually want to create there. You can immediate. Literally ask how, and I think there's a, again, it's this kind of pride stuff. Like of it is people were doing incredible stuff. Just ask how.
Yeah. And most people will tell you, look, I'll be completely honest, there'll be people who won't. There'll be people who would say weird freaking vague stuff that gives you zero access. Yeah. They'll probably get their own things going on, but most people be like, oh, well yeah, I'm an open book. Here's what I would've done.
Be there. Here's what I would do differently. Here's how I did. So most people are like that actually. You just have to ask and, but you have to put that to the side and be like, I want, I wanna celebrate them in that. And then I also wanna get an access for myself and that. Yeah. But if you have your like, no, no, I got this like going on, then yeah, you don't get an access.
So I love that.
Emily Peilan: So what, so, so now you're in this bin. What kind of brought you and husband in the first place from,
Briony: yeah. New Zealand. We originally left New Zealand, so when we left New Zealand, we bought land in New Zealand. We bought a piece of land because Covid happened. We were meant to go traveling and we didn't go traveling.
Everyone's story and part of everyone's story. And so we bought land in beautiful wa, New Zealand and we went to build a house and my dad was taking photos of us outside this piece of land. Like this is the best moment ever, lady. Well, like thumbs up, you know, like not that excited. So we turned to each other and we're like, I don't think this is our time.
I think this is an awesome investment. Let's do it. We'll settle the land, but let's not built to, you know, everyone's varying opinions. And then we were like, okay, if this is our time, if this is our chapter, what do we truly wanna do? And then travel kind of came up. And I think that was really important in post covid world.
I think your front has that craving to move. You know? Yeah. Or not everyone, but I think a lot of us do. And so giving ourselves permission to take the company. We are all online travel, you know, run the company abroad in different places. Mexico called us first. We had friends there. We were just really curious.
I'd not spent, I'd spent time in South America and not Central America as much, so we went to Mexico. We traveled around a bit and yeah, it was really interesting because. We are still running a team and a company and things like everywhere we went, we would have to like get a coworking space, get set up, we run live events.
All, all the setup we travel with our lights, our camera, like all the things. Everyone's like, how do you do it? Like, because yeah, it's, it's a little bit different if I'd done it three years ago and every time, so we're changing calls with the team and so we went to Mexico first and then Costa Rica and then that was beautiful.
Very jungle. Very different vibes to Lisbon. Yeah. Then we went to an event in Croatia for entrepreneurs called Baby Bathwater, which is really inspiring. Wildly incredible entrepreneurs, just so generous. And Lisbon came up and I'd been to Lisbon maybe like 10 years ago when I came to Europe, but it wasn't like a kind of imprinted thing.
And it just, you know, there's things. People into conversations and for some reason your energy goes towards them. And about six of the people we really loved at again and again, people energy, like you love them, probably more of them. Yeah. Same values. Like it's all written there. We were like, okay.
Interesting. Like these people are all fantastic. They're talking about Lisbon, they know here or Yeah, they do. Yeah. And they're running companies here. One of them actually works out of this co-working. And love, you know, we'd just met them, but we were like, okay, this is a vibe. And so we literally, after that event, and we were loving being in Europe as well, the Europe energy, it was just quite creative again, and different energy.
We haven't lived in city for quite a while, so we went back to Costa Rica, we packed up our bags within like 10 days and we moved to. Sucks. No. So yeah, and then we just, we literally booked a flight. I did some research. We were lucky with the place that we landed the apartment, but again, we had no idea.
Yeah. That we were like, we'll, just, we'll see.
Emily Peilan: Kind of like a leap of fake, but then, because that now you've actually kind of decided to like commit to a visa b like possibly a rental place for a year. So like, what? Why not? Why here? . .
Briony: We were talking about this this morning we are constantly in like designing our life things and looking at what really works for us and we, what we think is that, you know, we are always testing ba basically prototyping your life because I think your vision of where you want to be can be very different to the reality.
And so this morning we went out for brunch and d and I were like, I think actually. Right now for the chapter we are in, we are meant to be in the city or be in the energy and the buzz and then go and rest in those places. Cause we do, we love nature, we love hiking, we love the ocean. Like that is like truly our soul nourishment.
And at the same time, when you spend every day in the jungle where it is dead quiet by 5:00 PM dark by five 30, , there's one place to go for coffee. Oh. You know, it's doing the tranquility of like, that's life.
Emily Peilan: And there's seasons as well that there's like, this is maybe you're like in a summer season of just like bus
Yeah. And then, and then, yeah. Retreat to a quiet to rejuvenate
Briony: and, yeah. Yeah. And I think being in tune to that, because yeah, you can get attached to your perception of where you thought you were going, which what we have. Visas in Mexico, blah, blah, blah. And you can get attached to that, but then the reality of it can be completely different.
So it's all, again, energetics. And then being in this and being in the frequency of people building things and creating things is really expansive for us. Yeah, it is. We're quite motivated people so we can drum up energy and there's d and i, so we have same values and we can basically be like a little machine of energy no matter where we go, but we are finding the city like we are getting.
Lots of places as well, like dinners out, conversations. Yeah.
Emily Peilan: You know, it's just, yeah. I love it. Lisbon gives me so much energy.
Briony: Yeah, it, it's beautiful and I miss like different cafes, , I can go to any cafe, although Libon don't wait. Liz's sleeping a lot. I'm like up at 5:00 AM So also cause of time zones.
I'm doing all my calls like early morning Oh. To a lot of our clients in New Zealand, Australia. So it's cra it's hilarious. Like I'm, I'm done by,
Emily Peilan: live in like San Rosa area. You have like the best flat. Why It's the best cafe, which Nice. I love that. Yeah. I, I love this episode. We could like chat forever.
Yes. Honestly, thank you so much. Last question to round off, like, what does living a free wild and soulful life look like for you? And then if you have an advice for, you know, a listeners, like how could they.
a more free wild and soulful life.
Briony: Yeah. Free in the sense of freedom is like anything you feel like you can't do or you have to do.
Just like get rid of it. Like do the work that you need to release that. So you have like personal freedom, not a thing outside of you or a plane ticket, like actual internal personal freedom where if you want to be an artist or you want to be a coach or you want to be an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to do that because internal is a, like freedom's an in a game.
Yeah. No plane ticket, no place is ever gonna have you. It'll create energy, but like it lives internally. So the free and wild is like normal is not something to aspire to. love that. It's not why we all trying to be normal. It's weird. So get wild, get unruly in what you want to create and you don't have to follow the norms.
Like find your way, path, path your way. And soulful. I think our soul's always committing to communicating to us, like always telling us what's nourishing, what's. And consistently taking stock of like, what's really lighting me up here? What's giving me life? What's giving me energy? What's draining my energy?
What are my energy vampires? What's the food I'm eating? What are the people I'm with? And doing like an energy audit so that you can honor your soul, but your soul voice or communicate to you when you're quiet.
Emily Peilan: Yeah. Yeah. And it, that's like finding space away from distraction to actually like, listen.
Briony: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I, yeah, and I think you can, we've talked a lot about working with mentors or coaches, but through deep reflection or questioning, because you have all the answers for a free, wild, soulful life. Yeah. And it's just drowning out the noise of everything else and giving yourself a space to understand what that is, and in having the courage in the community to action those dreams and yeah, like it won't look like anyone else's and it.
Yeah, because it's yours. Yeah. And be so open to it changing. Yeah. From what you thought it was yesterday or what you thought it was gonna be. This life is so dynamic in that and it's how we've been with that. Yeah.
Emily Peilan: I love that. Ah, this has been such a nourishing conversation. Love. Thank you so much for joining me.
Briony: Thank you for having me. So good. Good. Yes.
Emily Peilan: Thank you so much for tuning into the Free Wild Souls Podcast. I deeply, deeply appreciate you being here, being part of the conversation, and I would absolutely love to know. What resonated with you the most? What were some of your biggest takeaways? Please do, you know, send me a DM or just reach out and continue the conversation there.
And as I mentioned in the previous episode, Briony. Has amazing, amazing free resources as well as workshops and trainings and courses on her website at untapped.nz. I will link her all the links, in the show notes, it's below so you can find her. And yeah. Thank you so much for tuning into our conversation today.
I hope you got what you needed and I will see you in the next episode.