9 Tips for Reducing Stress and Staying Healthy Physically and Mentally (When Travelling and At Home)
Hello lovely people! Today I have a rather different blog post, somewhat spurred on by the recent events caused by the Corona Virus pandemic. It’s been a challenging period for everyone around the world, dealing with the uncertainties of work, school/uni, and travel plans.
Stress and anxiety seems heavy in the air and most of this ‘stress’ comes from the media/news and the panic of people around us, which lead our minds to spiral with negative thoughts and accumulate more stress, which in turn, weakens our immune system.
In this article, you’ll find some of my own personal tips that I use to help reduce stress, stay healthy and think healthy. Almost all of them are free and best part is, you can practise these tips from anywhere in the world (or the comfort of your own home).
1. Set aside some time to Stretch and do some Yoga everyday.
2. Download the App “Calm” for soothing soundtracks and guidance.
3. Writing is therapy. Journal down your thoughts and feel the weight lift off.
4. Fuel your body with more nutrient rich foods and you will feel more vibrant
5. Create an exercise routine you can do anywhere without gym equipment
6. Batch make home-brewed Citrus Ginger Tea for immunity (Recipe)
7. Follow your curiosity and create some art or music
8. Be strategic with Who and Where you put your Energy
9. Internet Detox: Reconnect with yourself first and you’ll find the noise more bearable.
1. Set aside some time to Stretch and do some Yoga everyday
When I set aside even just 15 mins for stretching and Yoga in the mornings, I feel mentally and physically calm - ready to tackle another day. It helps me feel less lethargic throughout the day and I find that I can focus better.
I love having this time to touch in with my body as I move through the poses. How are my legs feeling today? How is my breathing? As that connection between my mind and body strengthens over time, and I am able to tell quite quickly when something is feeling off.
Conclusion: Yoga and stretching helps with immunity in the sense that you have a better connection with your body and it lowers stress. Plus, it’s like giving your body and lymph nodes a good massage, which increases your body’s ability to fight off infections.
Resources: Yoga for Beginners - Video
Photo source: Unsplash
2. Download the App “Calm” for soothing soundtracks and meditation.
Calm is a ‘free’ App that anyone can download. There are limitation on the free version of course, but you still have a range of soothing sound tracks (from natural sounds to instrumental) and some meditation audio.
I personally use this app quite a lot. The water-themed soundtracks (ie. raindrops, rivers, waves) are my favourite de-stressors. If I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or have a lot of mixed emotions running through my head, then I’ll follow one of their short 10min meditation tracks.
Conclusion: The soundtracks on the Calm App really helps to soothe my mind and meditating helps gives me the headspace to return back into reality with less clutter - and more mental clarity.
Resources: Calm App
Photo source: Unsplash
3. Writing is therapy. Journal down your thoughts and feel the weight lift off
For me, writing is therapeutic. It’s not so much an escape, more like psychology counselling, but with myself. It’s my safe haven, where I can let my thoughts flow down without being judged or persuaded. And as I do, I can feel the burden of my thoughts lighten and the clouds begin to clear.
Sometimes, I have so many scattered thoughts or emotions that only start to make sense when I write them all down. When I journal for mental clarity, it’s often self-reflective and I’m usually talking or reasoning to myself.
Conclusion: Journaling is a great way to deal with mental blocks and create mental clarity. I find it is one of the most effective therapeutic methods to help with stress - especially when you’re travelling and so much can happen in such a short space of time.
Resources: Kikki Journals
Photo source: Unsplash
4. Fuel your body with more nutrient rich foods and you will feel more vibrant
When I say ‘vibrant’, I mean more energy, more mental clarity and more positivity. As a student, I used to live off two-minute noodles, lots of junk food and animal products (primarily egg, cheese and milk). Then I would wonder why I was always feeling so lethargic and heavy after my meals.
Having recently self-experimented with a 95% Plant-Based Diet (almost 6 months ago now), I can feel a huge difference in my health. Firstly, I haven’t gotten sick once since I changed my diet. I have felt ‘off’ on the odd occasions, but then my symptoms would last half a day max before bouncing back to normal - it’s been amazing and my body loves me for it.
Conclusion: If you think of your body like a machine (which it is), then the cleaner or more nutrient-rich fuel you put in, the more optimally your body will run and the more vibrant you will feel. It will also help you become less susceptible to bugs and infections, or when you do, your body is able to fight it off faster.
Resources: Article about Plant-Based Diet
Photo source: Unsplash
5. Create an exercise routine you can do anywhere without gym equipment
Working out and feeling good in my body really helps me to feel good mentally. Since I travel a lot, I’ve started to develop a little sequence of exercises, which I can do anywhere without the need for gym equipment. This means you can also do it from the comfort of your own home!
I try to exercise at least 10-20mins every day (or every second day) - usually in the morning because it really sets me up for the rest of the day. I prefer short bursts of intensive workouts because it fits better with my schedule and I find it more effective.
Conclusion: Any kind of workout/exercise is good for your physical and mental health, no matter how long or intensive. It’s also just a nice escape to focus on your body and reset the mind.
Photo source: Unsplash
6. Home-brewed Spiced Citrus Ginger Tea for immunity (Recipe)
Fresh Ginger Tea (from real ginger) is my go-to the minute I sense my body feeling run down, or if someone close to me is sick, I’ll drink it just for added immunity. It might not taste the best, but it works a charm!
Chop a palm full of fresh ginger (with the skin peeled) and let it simmer in 2-3 cups of boiling water for about 30mins or until it reaches a deep yellow colour.
Thinly slice up one orange and cut into smaller pieces. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top and transfer to a glass jar. (You can add some honey or maple syrup here if you want )
Pour the concentrated ginger tea to fill only 1/3 of the cup, put a spoon of the citrus mix in and fill the rest up with hot water… voila!
Conclusion: I love the mild burning sensation down my throat and it’s a great way to hydrate yourself too (instead of loading up on caffeine or other sugary drinks). It really helps with blocked noses, sinuses, hay-fever or if your throat is feeling funny - I swear by this recipe :)
Photo source: Unsplash
7. Follow your curiosity and create some art or music
Creating anything makes me so happy! I also love to consume mindfully and be inspired by other people’s art, but there is nothing that can compare to creating my own art. Whether that be writing, photography, calligraphy, or playing the piano.
Art is an expression of the soul and I feel like we owe it to ourselves to explore our own artistic curiosities. I love the feeling of freedom that comes with art, the joy, the serenity - all of it. I derive so much happiness from simply creating.
Conclusion: This is more of an indirect method but creating art really helps to calm the mind, it brings so much joy and the ability to express yourself is a huge release. My rule is to try create more than I consume.
Photo source: Unsplash
8. Be strategic with who and where you put your energy
Your energy is precious. Look after it well and expend it mindfully. By this, I mean spend more time with people who boost your energy instead those who drain your energy. Or be mindful of who you follow on social media. Because the people (and energy) you surround yourself with has a huge impact on your mental health.
In recent years, I’ve become more selective with people I choose to spend time with. This might sound a little selfish, but honestly spending time with positive people who give out good energy just makes me so happy and optimistic. They inspire me constantly to be a better human.
Conclusion: Surrounding yourself with good energy and positive vibes is a choice you make for your mental (and physical) health. It also means that you start becoming the sort of person/people you want to attract in your life :)
Photo source: Unsplash
9. Internet Detox. Reconnect with yourself first and you’ll find the noise more bearable
It feels we are constantly bombarded with bad news, thanks to the media. And we’ve all been guilty of comparing our lives with Influencers who give us a serious dose of FOMO. So much negativity or comparison is not good for the body or the mind. Sometimes the best thing to reset your mind is an Internet detox. Even just for 24 or 48 hours - turn off the noise and spend some time being truly present.
These days, I hardly read or watch the news. Relative to the average person, I would say that I consume very little media and spend more time enjoying the present of my own reality - rather than stressing about horrible news that are outside my control. Whether or not you consume news or social media, the world will still go on :)
Conclusion: If media is a source of stress and anxiety for you, disconnect from it for a little while. You will have more mental capacity to focus on the essential things. Get someone else to fill you in on the most important news, while you enjoy being present and reconnecting with yourself.
Photo source: Unsplash
What are some of the things you do to help reduce stress and/or stay healthy? I’d love to hear your tips (or if you have any questions), in the comments below! Sending you all much love and virtual hugs! <3