Soulful musings
Exploring deeper reflections from the world, culture, and my travels. Some poetry, some musings, some reviews, and some lessons from business and well-being.
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9 Tips for Reducing Stress and Staying Healthy Physically and Mentally (When Travelling and At Home)
Whether you are travelling or at home, here are 9 free tips that you can practise from anywhere in the world to help reduce stress in the pursuit of staying healthy both physically and mentally.
The Truth about Freelancing (Realities of a Creative Freelancer and Myths Dispelled)
In this particular article, I wanted to share the things I have learnt over the years about freelancing and dispel the many myths that surround the idea of ‘freelancing’. I’ll be talking about how much money you can earn, the hardest and most rewarding aspects of freelancing - and ultimately, what kind of people would suit freelancing.
Make 2020 Your Year: Sharing My 5 Practical Lessons from 2019
The lessons we learn are the most important things we can bring with us into the New Year. I think it’s always a good idea to reflect but more importantly - to share what we learn. So here are 5 valuable and practical tips, which I learnt this year. You’ll also find some great recommendations for Podcasts, Documentaries, Books and even Online Courses.
How to Solo Travel for the First Time? - Advice from a Solo Female Traveller
To all you new solo travellers out there - this article will (hopefully) cover your main concerns regarding Solo Travelling and touches on how to create a positive mindset when travelling on your own. I’ll be sharing my advice on: how to deal with loneliness, how to attract good people and make new friends fast, how to stay safe and deal with unfortunate situations, and how to travel cost efficiently on your own.
Tips and Lessons from my Semester Abroad
These were some of the questions I got asked after my first exchange semester in Vienna, Austria. Feeling nostalgic and itching to be back in Europe, I decided to do another exchange semester in Stockholm!! So, two exchanges and many many countries later… here are my answers to those questions.
Confessions of a Modern Day Nomad
A little insight into my crazy nomadic lifestyle, the reactions and misconceptions I often get, the pros and cons of not having stability.